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Setting up Multiple environments in Flutter with Flavors - Android


I’m using Flutter v3.13.0 for this tutorial.

Add a Flutter build configuration for each flavor in Android Studio

We want to have three flavors called dev, uat and live.

If you want to launch a flutter app with a flavor, you have to use the flutter run --flavor <env> parameter in the Flutter CLI. To automatically start the app with a flavor in Android Studio we need to change the build configurations:

  • Find main.dart in the Android Studio top toolbar and select Edit Configurations.... This opens the Run/Debug Configurations window.
  • Change the Name field to dev
  • For Build flavor: set dev as well.
  • Duplicate the dev configuration (It’s an icon in the top left of the window)
  • Change the Name and Build flavor values to uat and live
  • Close the dialog. Instead of main.dart, it will now display dev in the top toolbar.

IMPORTANT: Flavor names may not start with test as that’s not allowed by Android.

Setup flavors for Android

Add the flavor-settings to the Android build config

In Android, the native flavor-specific values are stored in android/app/src/build.gradle via the android.flavorDimensions and android.productFlavors keys.

We’ll use these keys to set up the flavor-specific applicationId and the flavor-specific display name for the app. This is important because we want to be able to have both flavors of the app installed at the same time.

The applicationId is the unique app id for each flavor in the Google Play store. Once deployed to Google Play, this can not be changed anymore!

Therefore, add the following two things within the android { ... } section:

android {
    // ... all existing things like `sourceSets`, ...

    flavorDimensions "app"

    productFlavors {
        dev {
            dimension "app"
            applicationId ""
            resValue "string", "app_name", "DEV Cookify"
        uat {
            dimension "app"
            applicationId "com.andy.cookify.uat"
            resValue "string", "app_name", "UAT Cookify"
        live {
            dimension "app"
            applicationId "com.andy.cookify"
            resValue "string", "app_name", "Cookify"

Add the method channel in Android code

When the app starts, Flutter needs a way to ask the native platform which flavor it has been started with. To communicate with native code, Flutter uses method channels.

Go to android/app/src/main/kotlin/<your>/<application>/<id>/MainActivity.kt and replace everything except the first line (the package import) with the following code. This will set up the method channel that returns the BuildConfig.FLAVOR value, which is a built-in value of Android.

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
    override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {

        MethodChannel(flutterEngine.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, "flavor").setMethodCallHandler {
                call, result -> result.success(BuildConfig.FLAVOR)

Adjust the App Name in the AndroidManifest.xml

Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

Replace the <application android:label="<old_app_name>"/> with <application android:label="@string/app_name"/>

Setting App Icon

Use Icon Finder or App Icon to generate App Icon. And place folder following:


Get the Flavor in Flutter Project

As described in our requirements, we want to target different API endpoints per flavor so we need a way to get the current flavor in our Flutter code.

We’ll first add a class called AppFlavor in a new file called lib/app_flavor.dart that will hold all of our flavor-specific settings that we only need in our Flutter code:

enum AppEnvironment { dev, uat, live }

class AppFlavor {
  static AppEnvironment environment =;
  static String apiBaseUrl = '';

  static void setEnvironment(AppEnvironment env) {
    switch (env) {
        environment =;
        apiBaseUrl = '';
      case AppEnvironment.uat:
        environment = AppEnvironment.uat;
        apiBaseUrl = '';
        environment =;
        apiBaseUrl = '';

class AppFlavorHelper {
  static Future<AppEnvironment> getEnvironment() async {
    String? flavor =
        await const MethodChannel('flavor').invokeMethod<String>('getFlavor');

    print('STARTED WITH FLAVOR $flavor');

    switch (flavor) {
      case 'dev':
      case 'uat':
        return AppEnvironment.uat;
      case 'live':

Next, we’ll use this in main.dart, where we’ll read the flavor via our method channel from the native platform and we’ll create the corresponding FlavorConfig. We’ll also have to make our main-method async for that.

When done, your main.dart as following:

Future<void> main() async {

  final environment = await AppFlavorHelper.getEnvironment();

  runApp(const MyApp());

// ... class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

Run the Android app

You can use these command-line or use Android Studio to build with build configurations

flutter run --flavor dev
flutter run --flavor uat
flutter run --flavor live

Now, launch the app in Android Studio with the dev build configuration.

Close the app in the device and check your application list, the app name will now display DEV Cookify!

Stop the app in Android Studio, change the build configuration to uat or live and launch the app again.

You’ll now have all flavors of your app installed on your Android device!

Android Run App